Under fixed exchange rate system, when capital can not flow freely, IS-LM-BP model and AS-AD model analysis shows that out-flow of capital has a tightening effect on the domestic money supply, which depresses the price level. 固定汇率制度下资本不完全流动时的IS-LM-BP模型与开放经济下的AS-AD模型分析表明,在固定汇率制度下,资本流出对国内货币供应量有紧缩效应,并使价格总水平下降;
The domestic diesel market: supply, demand and price trends 国内柴油市场供求状况及价格走势
On the contrary, the capital flow has an expanding effect on the domestic money supply, which increase the price level. 相反,资本流入对国内货币供应量有扩张效应,使价格总水平上升。
The present paper takes the soybean futures exchange in Dalian Commodity Exchange as an example, analyses the situation on the domestic and abroad soybean supply and demand and futures price variation, and produces the effective measures on developing China's soybean futures exchange. 本文以大连商品交易所大豆期货交易为研究例证,分析国内外大豆供求情况及期货价格变动趋势,提出发展我国大豆期货交易的有效措施。
This article gives a briefing of the development of Al plastic compound board abroad, and the comments on the following four aspects of domestic Al plastic compound board production: factories, raw materials supply, application and market price. 简要的介绍了铝塑板在国外的发展概况;评述了国内铝塑板生产企业、原材料供应、应用和市场价格四方面情况。
The status of polyether polyol in domestic and abroad was introduced, including the supply in market, consumer demand, market price and the development trend. 介绍了国内外聚醚多元醇的市场供应、市场需求及市场价格状况及发展趋势。
The domestic reasons are: supply in excess of demand, big difference between mine-mouth coal prices, disorderly competition, irrational price structure, low overall price level and lagging coal economy growth pattern. 国内方面的原因是:总量供大于求、各类煤矿坑口价差大、煤炭市场竞争秩序混乱、价格结构不合理、物价总水平低、煤炭经济增长方式落后。
The current situation of PTA industry in China was analyzed. It was pointed out that the insufficient domestic supply and much dependence on import cause price fluctuation. 分析了国内PTA工业现状,指出目前存在着总量不足,进口依存度大,价格波动大等问题。
There emerged two most distinguishable events in China's oil trade in 1996. One is that China became a net crude importer; the other is that the domestic diesel supply was greatly impacted by diesel import decrease due to oil price surge in the international markets. 1996年中国石油进出口贸易中最突出的大事有两件:一是中国已成为原油净进口国,二是国际油价大幅度上涨,造成柴油进口量剧减,严重影响了国内的柴油供应。
At present, there is a great demand of Vacuum valves, but getting them almost relies on importing from abroad. So, some excellent domestic manufacturers begin to develop vacuum valves by themselves in order to avoid being a passive position in supply cycle and price. 目前国内对真空阀的需求很大,但依赖于从国外进口,为了避免在供货周期和价格等方面处于被动地位,国内一些优秀的阀生产厂家开始自主开发真空阀。
In recent years, international and domestic grain market supply and price instability situation, improved grain production urgency and grain security. 近年来,国内外粮食供应和价格的不稳定形势,增加了提高粮食生产的紧迫性和保障粮食安全的重要性。
In the commodities market, breaking the existing domestic money market equilibrium, the increase in money supply would ultimately lead to a rising price level. 在商品市场上,打破了原有的国内货币市场均衡状态,货币供应量的增加最终会引起物价水平的上涨。
Recently, the demands of clarithromycin, roxithromycin and azithromycin in the domestic and international markets are increasing. As the raw material, Erythromycin Thiocyanate was in a tension supply and the price was increasing. 近年来克拉霉素、罗红霉素和阿奇霉素三大半合成红霉素在国内外市场上的需求迅速上升,作为其合成原料的硫氰酸红霉素的需求也呈上升趋势。
It is believed that the influence of international payment on the domestic economy is mainly concentrated on the money supply. The rising price index and high investment growth rate are its evidence and direct result. 人们相信,为了维持人民币汇率的稳定,国际收支活动对国内经济的影响集中体现在货币供给上,过快上升的物价水平和高涨的投资比例就是直接的结果和突出的表现。